
Stone tools made by early man
Stone tools made by early man

“Then, the Oldowan would have just been an elaboration of this.


“It was thought that the first stone tools were very simple, and were created by smashing one rock against another while it sat on the ground, very similar to how chimpanzees crack nuts,” said Jessica Thompson, assistant professor of anthropology at Yale University and a co-author of the study. Stones were placed on the contact surface during the excavation to preserve the fragile stratigraphic contacts. Archaeologists from the Max Planck Institute, and the Ethiopian Authority for Research and the Conservation of Cultural Heritage as well as geologists from University of Algarve study the sediments at the Bokol Dora site. They also are distinct from simpler tools made by chimpanzees, monkeys, and earlier human ancestors, according to the study. The flaked-stone tools are the oldest artifacts yet ascribed to the “Oldowan Tradition,” a technology originally named after finds made by Louis Leakey from Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. By 2.6 million years ago, tool production had become an integral part of the human condition, the researchers noted. The researchers’ findings, published June 3 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggest that different species of early human ancestors throughout Africa invented stone tools independently of each other over the course of at least 700,000 years. With sharp edges intentionally made by striking two rocks together, the tools date to between 2.61 and 2.58 million years ago, making them slightly older than previously known examples of the same tool-making technology that date to between 2.58 and 2.55 million years ago. A team of international and local researchers working in Ethiopia have discovered the earliest-known examples of complex stone tools.

Stone tools made by early man